Gezoukian & Nalbandyan Law Firm

Truck Accidents

Have you been hurt in a truck accident in Los Angeles by a negligent or reckless driver? If so, you may be entitled to receive considerable compensation. Truck accident victims who are injured due to a truck driver’s negligence have the right to demand compensation for their personal injuries, lost income, legal fees, and other damages associated with the accident.

Los Angeles: A Hotspot for Truck Accidents

Truck accidents in Los Angeles pose significant risks due to the high volume of traffic, congested roadways, and the presence of large commercial vehicles sharing the road with passenger cars. A car collision with a big-rig, tractor trailer, semis, transport vehicles, 18-wheelers, or another large commercial vehicle is hardly a fair match. Due to the size and weight of a truck, accidents can cause significant injury, devastating trauma, and even death.

A wreck of such magnitude typically results in enormous medical bills, a lengthy time off work, considerable pain and suffering, and a host of other issues. You may be due sizeable compensation. If you’ve been hurt in a truck accident in Los Angeles, you owe it to yourself to reach out for a free consultation at GN Law. Call today and let’s get started putting the nightmare behind you.

Leading Causes of Truck Accidents

The causes of truck accidents in Los Angeles often include such factors as:

Driver Fatigue: Long hours on the road can lead to driver fatigue, impairing reaction times and decision-making abilities.

Distracted Driving: Distractions such as cellphone use, eating, or adjusting controls divert a driver’s attention from the road.

Speeding: Driving above the speed limit or too fast for road conditions increases the risk of losing control and reduces the time available to react to hazards.

Tailgating: Following other vehicles too closely does not provide sufficient time to brake or maneuver in case of sudden stops or emergencies.

Improper Lane Changes: Failing to check blind spots or using turn signals when changing lanes can result in collisions with other vehicles.

Failure to Yield: Ignoring right-of-way rules at intersections or when merging onto highways can cause accidents.

Inadequate Vehicle Maintenance: Poorly maintained brakes, tires, or other crucial components can lead to mechanical failures and accidents.

Inclement Weather: Adverse weather conditions, such as rain, snow, or fog, reduce visibility and create slippery road surfaces, increasing the risk of accidents.

Improper Loading or Cargo Securement: Overloaded or improperly secured cargo can shift during transit, leading to imbalanced weight distribution and potentially causing rollovers or loss of control.

Drug or Alcohol Impairment: Operating a commercial truck under the influence of drugs or alcohol significantly impairs judgment, coordination, and reaction times.

Inexperienced or Inadequately Trained Drivers: Lack of proper training or experience in handling large commercial vehicles can contribute to accidents.

Aggressive Driving: Behaviors like aggressive lane changes, speeding, or tailgating by truck drivers can lead to accidents.

Negligent Hiring Practices: Employing drivers with poor driving records or inadequate qualifications can increase the likelihood of accidents.

Roadway Construction or Defects: Poorly designed or maintained roads, construction zones, or inadequate signage can pose hazards to truck drivers.

Traffic Congestion: Heavy traffic conditions increase the chances of accidents, especially when drivers fail to adjust their driving behavior accordingly.

Failure to Use Signals or Check Blind Spots: Failing to signal turns or lane changes, or not properly checking blind spots, can result in collisions with other vehicles.

Fatigue or Inadequate Rest Breaks: Long-haul truckers are susceptible to fatigue-related accidents when they fail to take sufficient rest breaks.

Medical Conditions: Undiagnosed or unmanaged medical conditions, such as heart problems or sleep apnea, can impair a driver’s ability to operate a truck safely.

Inadequate Supervision or Training by Trucking Companies: Failure to provide proper oversight, training, or enforcement of safety protocols can contribute to accidents.

Failure to Adhere to Federal Regulations: Non-compliance with federal trucking regulations, such as hours-of-service limits or maintenance requirements, can lead to accidents.

Understanding California Truck Accident Law

California Truck Accident Law encompasses the legal regulations and provisions that govern truck accidents within the state. It covers various aspects, including liability, negligence, and damages, with the goal of providing fair compensation to accident victims. The law addresses the specific challenges posed by truck accidents, such as the involvement of commercial vehicles, extensive damages, and potential violations of state and federal trucking regulations. Understanding California Truck Accident Law is essential for victims seeking justice and rightful compensation for their injuries and losses.

Under California law, recovery of compensation is rightfully yours if the wreck involved negligence, but negligence must be proven. How do you manage that? You don’t. WE do.  California law regarding trucking accidents can be complicated and confusing. Alleviate the aggravation, frustration, and intimidation of handling your own case. We set you up for success with the best Personal Injury Attorneys in Los Angeles – GN Law. While you focus on your physical and mental recovery, we’ll be hard at work on your case – diligently fighting for every dime you are due. With immense knowledge of the California legal system involving truck accidents and decades of experience in Truck Accident Law litigation,

Our Superior Legal Services are Second to None
Choose the Best Truck Accident Lawyers for Your Case

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